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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

Seeing performances like Trump's follow up speech after his conviction suggest that he's the person for whom the debates are a serious risk. 

Biden will stutter at times and probably mix up a name or two. But there's a good chance Trump will spend a great deal of the debates on incoherent tangents, sounding like someone's drunk crazy uncle. 

Still won't cost him the base. But there have to be a few undecideds who hadn't been paying attention to Trump and will be finding out for the first time how addled he sounds. 

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Discussion: The Rose Garden and White House happenings: Listening to voters’ concerns

GoSlugs said:

Hopefully that will change some votes.

As for me, I am definitely voting against Trump (as opposed to for Biden).  Biden's actions have killed thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians.  I could never think of  him as anything but the lesser of two very evil Evils. His murderous policy is a stain that will never be erased.


So you're saying that without America's support, Netanyahu wouldn't have killed all of those Palestinians?

ridiculous. and so wrong.

don't get me wrong - I think our attitude towards Bibi should be far harsher. But to blame Biden for something he has zero control over is just dumb.

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

Similarly, I thought of this thread when I saw this.

[image or embed]

— Bodega Cats (@bodegacats.bsky.social) Jun 10, 2024 at 12:51 PM
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Discussion: The NYT Spelling Bee Thread

Just got QB. No crazy words.

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Discussion: Twitter is a Private Company

terp said:

Who gets to decide what is BS?

So you don't think threatening harm to the families of judicial workers is an unusual and unkind means of getting one's way?  Try to think about this for a while before responding or defending people I'm not even mentioning specifically. 

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Discussion: 34 Felony Convictions! Prosecutors bat 1000

terp said:

I still think we should strive to maximize liberty.  I think its more how you get there that's changed.  My instinct is to be nice and do everything peacefully.  I do not think that is tenable.  Look how the entrenched institutions attack someone they can't control.  He didn't even detail anything in any real way, but he said a lot of things they did not like.  

So, I think you need to get control and tear down these institutions.   It sill probably take force or at least the threat of force to get this right.  This means the long march to the left this country has been on has to reverse.  We need a hard right movement to dismantle many of these entrenched powers that have been infringing more and more on our freedoms.  

I think that is in the cards anyway.  There was a time that scared me.  Now I think its a necessary evil.

Chilling response

Force is not the answer.

Given that you consider this a viable option, I will not be engaging with you from this point on.

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Discussion: Inconsequential Chat

In keeping with the last couple of posts...

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Discussion: What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

nan said:

jamie said:

nan said:

I'm just catching up to your many incendiary posts!  I watched this video and I'd put it in the same category as the one your brother posted about how Russians drink too much vodka.  These are social problems in Russia. As I said before-- Many countries have social problems and a f-d up justice system.  The free speech thing in Russia is hard to judge because some of the people who get arrested there (like Nalvalny) are actually working for NGOs and trying to start color revolutions which is treason.  Free speech does not protect treason in any country.  But, even if they are just kids who are influenced by the West and get covered by tattoos and say Bucha was not a false flag on social media it's really not our problem to solve.  We don't want to get rid of Putin because of these problems. 

We have lots of social problems here.  It does not mean some other country can take us over and impose their values.  It does not give NATO a free pass to surround Russia and to try to create instability and chaos. 

Has anyone spoken out against the Russian government that you have not labelled as working for an NGO?  Please provide this list.  Who is you prime example of someone able to freely speak within Russia who is completely independent?  Has there ever been one?  And as always - what is your "go to" independent press from within Russia?

I did think of someone!  Mark Sleboda.  He was an American but he now lives in Russia and is a Russian citizen (he married a Russian/Ukrainian).  I post his videos here sometimes. I like him.  Anyway, I watched a video recently where he was talking about how Putin keeps saying that Zelensky is no longer president because his term expired and according to the Ukrainian constitution, his term would not be extended, even under Martial law.  Putin went into detail about this so it was a big deal.

BUT, Mark Sleboda said Putin was just baiting Zelensky to rattle him and that Zelensky could still be President under Martial law.  OMG!!!!!  And Mark Seleboda still walks among us and makes videos!!!!  He's not in jail!!!!  How can that be?????  He went against Putin!!!!!  

"And I would argue instead that, well, Zelensky was never legitimate. The entire regime isn't legitimate, that they seized power in a push against the last legitimate democratically elected president of Ukraine back in 2014. Their sham elections have no legitimacy. They've banned every non-Maidan opposition party in the country, which is over 20 of them by my count."

https://marksleboda.substack.com/p/is-zelensky-still-the-legitimate (from the transcript)

Yeah, really speaking truth to power and confronting Russian propaganda there.

So Jamie, looks like your question is still open. 

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